Acumazing!… Side Panels
- 15/07/2020
- 2018 R2, Accounting Software, Acumatica, Acumazing, Cloud, Dashboards, Financial Director, Misc, UK
Welcome to our Acumazing series… Amazing Acumatica! We cover all the little things that make Acumatica Cloud ERP UK so great!
Side Panels
This useful feature was release in Acumatica 2018 R2, but we feel it hasn’t quite got the recognition it deserves!
Side panels offer a huge enhancement to usability and reduce the amount of clicking around and additional navigation required to view the information you require. Side panels can be placed on a generic inquiry screen or if you have the latest 2020 R1 release against any forms (such as the customer form).
From just one screen you can view;
- Additional information about the record i.e. vendor/ customer details
- A dashboard
- A report
- The results of a GI
- A data entry form
- A linked object
Saves times and looks good… Acumazing!
Tascoli are dedicated to bring you the latest information about ERP and how it can benefit your business. We implement, integrate and offer on going support to Acumatica ERP UK, Sage 300 UK and QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions UK (now discontinued).
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Tascoli are an ERP and accounting software services company in the UK and Europe. Our passion is your business efficiency.
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