eSign Integrations
Acumatica has an existing integration with both Adobe Sign and DocuSign.
eSign integrations make it fast and easy for Acumatica users to securely sign and manage documents across devices from within Acumatica Cloud ERP. Your team can prepare and send documents such as sales orders and contracts to be e-signed with a few clicks. Your customers sign and return it on any device, and each step is tracked from beginning to end.
- Create envelopes and prepare documents for signing
- Send documents for signing and manage documents
- Check status of document sent for signing
- Send documents from CRM, Financials, Distribution and other modules using Document Management
The eSign > Acumatica ERP integration is demonstrated in the video below;
To discuss integrating Acumatica ERP and AdobeSign or DocuSign please contact us via our online form or call our office on +44 (0) 844 445 7204.