Restaurants & Hospitality
Tascoli have many years experience in Restaurants, Hospitality and Leisure
There are so many good front of house systems specifically made for bars, restaurants, members clubs, hotels etc. So an ERP for the Restaurant & Hospitality industry has to be a back office solution with excellent integration in to your front of house system. The key requirements of an ERP are efficient integration and high end reporting.
For our future clients we recommend Acumatica Cloud ERP. It is well suited to the hospitality industry and can provide;

Multi Segmented Codes
Multi segmented account and cost analysis codes - enabling transactions to be allocated across many departments and cost centres for later reporting
Multiple Sites within One Entity
Where the suppliers and account codes are shared you can keep all sites within one entity. This still allows for separate reporting and restricted access by site/ departement
Website Integration
Open integration to any platform that is scheduled and automated e.g. E-commerce, Point of Sale, Payment Gateways, Payroll etc
Reporting & Analysis
Flexible queries, analysis and charts with detailed drill down and fully integrated Microsoft Power BI

Payment Approvals Process
Site/ Regional Managers can approve invoices for payment (with a separate payment process). Invoices are attached to the transaction
Fixed Assets
Fixed assets can be tracked by site or location with optional image attachement
Access From Anywhere
Acumatica is a cloud ERP system - meaning you can access it from any device that uses a browser
No Additional Charge Per User
Include anyone in the company as Acumatica is not priced per user

Mobile Expenses
Have employees enter expenses on the go through the Acumatica App - upload images of receipts using the devices camera
Employee Register
Keep a detailed employee register of all past and present employees - including qualifications and additional notes
Fully Integrated CRM
Use the Customer Management module to create campaigns stay up to date with customers or even employees.
Automated Bank Reconcilliation & Processing
Using rules set by you Acumatica can highlight any variances and create an auto payment run for suppliers
See the video recording of 'Acumatica for the Hospitality and Leisure Industry Demo' made by James Morgan in September 2017;
To find out more about how we can help your business, please contact us here or call us on
+44 (0) 844 445 7204
Businesses we have worked with;